Live Nude Food (another of our former Tumblrs with thousands of followers and millions of views) is an ongoing photographic series exploring the complicated relationship between humans and the food they eat.
Food and our biological need to eat can be as psychologically complicated as any other human need – like relationships, sex, and security, to name a few. Food is one of the elements at the very foundation of Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs and carries over through the whole pyramid from the physiological to safety, love and belonging, personal esteem and self-actualization at the peak. Food is the one element that can be affectively present in on some level throughout the entire pyramid.
Women face enormous pressure to look a certain way out in the world and food can represent both fullfillment and failure in varying circumstances. Live Nude Food attempts abstract explorations of food entering into the upper levels of the heirarchy of human needs.
All content, Copyright Go Camera Go and Live Nude Food, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. No content may be used in any way without written authorization.
Food and our biological need to eat can be as psychologically complicated as any other human need – like relationships, sex, and security, to name a few. Food is one of the elements at the very foundation of Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs and carries over through the whole pyramid from the physiological to safety, love and belonging, personal esteem and self-actualization at the peak. Food is the one element that can be affectively present in on some level throughout the entire pyramid.
Women face enormous pressure to look a certain way out in the world and food can represent both fullfillment and failure in varying circumstances. Live Nude Food attempts abstract explorations of food entering into the upper levels of the heirarchy of human needs.
All content, Copyright Go Camera Go and Live Nude Food, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. No content may be used in any way without written authorization.