(is dead)
2009 – 2018
(is dead)
2009 – 2018
Tumblr is where Go Camera Go and Live Nude Food started with our own work and then with images found all over the internet that contributed to the theme. By the time Tumblr shot itself in the foot by banning images depicting human skin, we had tens of thousands of followers and millions of views.
This is a photo dump of nearly every image ever posted. Yes, there are some duplicates and tiny file sizes that were just fine ten years ago, but the mosaic is exhiliarating to peruse. All content is owned by their respective original creators.
This is a photo dump of nearly every image ever posted. Yes, there are some duplicates and tiny file sizes that were just fine ten years ago, but the mosaic is exhiliarating to peruse. All content is owned by their respective original creators.



On Paper


During the pandemic, we began making videos (all uncropped and uncensored) for the excellently ethical sex site Make Love Not Porn. A few of our photo sets inspired these videos. The images below link to the profile and each video and will open in new windows. What is Make Love Not Porn?
“MakeLoveNotPorn is Pro-sex. Pro-porn. Pro-knowing the difference. If porn is the Hollywood blockbuster movie, MakeLoveNotPorn is the badly-needed documentary. We’re the world’s first user-generated, human-curated social sex video-sharing platform, celebrating #realworldsex as a counterpoint to porn, with the aim of socializing sex – making it easier for everyone to talk about, in order to promote good sexual values and good sexual behavior. We’re what social media would be if social media allowed everyone to socially sexually self-identify and self-express (which sadly, they don’t). Social sex reassures, because we celebrate #realworld bodies, #realworld everything – including accidents, awkwardness, messiness. Social sex is funny – because if we can’t laugh at ourselves in bed, when can we?! Social sex is moving, because we celebrate #realworld emotions – love, intimacy, feelings. And our MakeLoveNotPornstars tell us that socially sharing their #realworldsex is as transformative for them and their relationships, as socially sharing everything else has been for the world at large.” source
(is dead)
2009 – 2018
(is dead)
2009 – 2018
Tumblr is where LiveNudeFood started with our own work and with images found all over the internet contributing to the theme. By the time Tumblr shot itself in the foot by banning images depicting human skin, we had tens of thousands of followers and millions of views. Rather than attempt to define the theme to narrowly, we boiled it down to a blurring of lines between humanity’s two most basic appetites, both inseparable from the bodies we live in.
This is a photo dump of nearly every image ever posted. Yes, there are some duplicates and tiny file sizes that were just fine ten years ago, but the mosaic is exhiliarating to peruse. All content is owned by their respective original creators.
This is a photo dump of nearly every image ever posted. Yes, there are some duplicates and tiny file sizes that were just fine ten years ago, but the mosaic is exhiliarating to peruse. All content is owned by their respective original creators.

"Everything I lust to eat ends up sticking to my body anyway, so I may as well skip a step and shove it down my pants."
A series from LiveNudeFood.com
A series from LiveNudeFood.com

Simply put, Cake expresses the fear of weight gain and no longer being able to fit into one’s clothing. Part of an ongoing series exploring the issue of body image and the complicated relationship between women and the food they eat.
A series from LiveNudeFood.com
A series from LiveNudeFood.com

Mise en Place
Everything in its place.
A series from LiveNudeFood.com
A series from LiveNudeFood.com

Lycopene is a superfood ingredient found in tomatoes that is believed to help prevent heart disease.
A series from LiveNudeFood.com
A series from LiveNudeFood.com